Chew Stoke Harvest Home

Thank You for your support!

Over the years, the show has raised money for many local groups and organisations. We could not do this without your support!

We are very pleased that the Chew Stoke Harvest Home has been able to donate money to support local groups and organsiations. Here are just a few:

Chew Stoke Village Church Hall 1st Chew Stoke Scout Group
B&NES Youth Bus Dogsfriends Charity
Chew Stoke Friendship Club Chew Stoke Primary School
Titans Explorer Scouts East Harptree Pre-School
Chew Stoke Methodist Church Chew Stoke Cricket Club
Friends of Edie Brown Chew Stoke Toddlers Group
Chew Stoke Parish Magazine Winford Parish Community Cars
Chew Stoke Lunch Club


As well as being a great day for everyone, the Chew Stoke Harvest Home also raises money for groups and organisations in Chew Stoke and the Chew Valley area.

If you run, or are a member of a local group who could benefit from our support, please contact;